Coloquio Internacional sobre Evaluación de Resultados de Aprendizaje en Educación Superior

Dra. Fiorella Kostoris
Dra. Fiorella KostorisFiorella Kostoris Padoa Schioppa was Professor of Economics at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Trieste, the Rome Postgraduate School for Public Administration, the Rome Private University LUISS, and the Faculty of Economics of the University of Rome “La Sapienza”. She served in the Board of Directors of CIVR (Committee assessing the research quality of Universities and Research Institutes in Italy) and was a member of the Board of Directors of ANVUR (the Italian Agency for the Quality Assurance of Universities and Research Institutes).

She was has been Visiting Scholar, Jemolo Fellow and Research Fellow at prestigious institutions such as MIT, Nuffield College, Columbia University and Harvard Centre for European Studies; Global Aging Committee of CSIS - Center for Strategic & International Studies member; writer for Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press, Palgrave, Springer Verlag, MIT Press, Chapman and Hall, Hart Publishing, La Documentation Française, among others; Executive Committee of IEA member. At present she is Research Fellow in the Public Policy Programme of CEPR. She was visiting proffesor at Free University of Brussels, Columbia University and at the College of Europe of Bruges. She is member of the Economic Expert Group which the Princeton ETS - Educational Testing Service - has been creating since 2010 to formulate the above-content evaluation tests on the learning outcomes world students in Economics should achieve by the end of their bachelor’s degree.

She was consultant for the IMF European Department and for the OECD Directorate for Social Affairs, Manpower and Education. Member “Wisemen Group on State Aids Policy”, Konrad Adenauer Foundation “Brussels Initiative”, French CAE - Conseil d’Analyse Economique du Prémier, International Advisory Council of CEPS - Centre for European Policy Studies, EU Business Forum on Multilingualism, Eurogroup of 50, and of the Advisory Board of CER and Consultant of the Gerson Lehrman Group.

She was member of the EEC panel for the evaluation of SPES - European Stimulation Plan for Economic Sciences -; EU evaluation panel of ERC - European Research Council –. Since 2008, she has been Vice-President of the Bureau of the OECD AHELO Feasibility Study. She wrote or edited several books and published a hundred articles on Italian and International refereed journals. She was member of the Editorial Board of international journals, and Italian journals written in foreign languages and of the Coordination Committee of the Presidents of the Italian Research Institutes.

She was President of ISPE - Istituto di Studi per la Programmazione Economica -, and of ISAE - Istituto di Studi e Analisi Economica –and CEO and Director of Research. Since 2003, she has been member of the Scientific Committee of the Journal Rivista di Politica Economica. She directed the Economics Book Series for the Italian Publisher Ulrico Hoepli; she was also author and speaker of the weekly Radio Broadcast Lessico dell’economia for Radio Radicale. Since 2010, she has been director of the Dictionary of Economics and Finance for the Enciclopedia Treccani. She is editorialist of the Italian newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore.

She was member of the Board of Directors of important organizations in assessing and evaluating activities and today, she is the Italian National Expert for the OECD AHELO and AHELO National Project Manager for Italy.

She was member of several organizations in policy making and financial consulting in the past and has been member of the Advisory Board of ANIA – National Association of Italian Insurance Companies; of the Scientific Committe of ANIE - National Association of Electric and Electronic Enterprises and of the Advisory Board of CBM - Centro di Biomedicina Molecolare – since 2007.

She participated within the Italian Commission for Parity and Equal Opportunities, was member of NGO Mediterranean Women’s Forum called “Les femmes de la Méditerranée”, and President of the Italian Association Pari o Dispare. She published many books and articles on gender economics.

Fiorella Kostoris Padoa Schioppa was granted the “Donna Ande - Giuliana Florio”, “Donne Dirigenti d’Azienda Italiane”, and the “Marisa Bellisario” Awards and nominated Grande Ufficiale al Merito of the Italian Republic by the President of the Republic of Italy, Ciampi, and Officier dans l’Ordre National de la Légion d’Honneur by the French President; she received the “Premio Capalbio” Award for Economic Policy for her book Lessico dell’Economia in 2004.
Guest speakers
  • Dr. Michael Stevenson
    Global Education consultant and OECD advisor.
  • Dr. Salvador Malo
    General Directorate for Higher University Education, SES/SEP.
  • Dr. Roger Benjamin
    President and Chief Executive Officer of the New York based Council for Aid to Education (CAE).
  • Prof. Fiorella Kostoris
    Director of the National Assessment of Universities and Research Institutes in Italy.
  • Mtro. Hugo Alberto Labate
    International consultant in Latin America.
  • Dr. Rafael Vidal Uribe
    General Directorate for Inter-institutional Committee for Assessment of Higher Education (CIEES).
  • Mtra. María Elena Barrera Bustillos
    General Directorate for Accreditation of Engineering Education Council, AC.
  • Mtra. María de Jesús Jovita Arzúa Hernández
    Bachelor Diagnostic tests Coordinator (EXDIAL)
  • Mtra. Pilar Verdejo París
    Director of Special Quality Assurance Projects in Education and Workplace SC (ACET)
  • M.C. Luz María Nieto Caraveo,
    UASLP Academic Secretary and AHELO Mexico Feasibility Study National Coordinator.
  • Dra. Patricia Rosas Chávez
    Education Innovation and undergraduate Coordinator, UDG.
    AHELO Mexico Feasibility Study generic competences branch National Coordinator.
  • Dr. José Antonio González Fajardo
    UADY Engineering School Professor, and AHELO Mexico Feasibility Study civil Engineering branch National Coordinator.
  • Dr. Adrián de León Arias
    Director of the Division of Management CUCEA, UDG.
    AHELO Mexico Feasibility Study Economics branch National Coordinator.

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This event is held with funding from the Ministry of Education, Department of Higher Education, General Directorate of University Higher Education, through the Development of Higher Education Support Program (PADES, 2014-24-001-026). Project authorized to the Autonomous University of San Luis Potosi.