Coloquio Internacional sobre Evaluación de Resultados de Aprendizaje en Educación Superior

Mtra. Pilar Verdejo París

Mtra. Pilar VerdejoPilar Verdejo París, has a bachelor degree in Chemical Engineering and a Masters in Systems and Planning. She served as a teacher and in providing professional services for over 27 years in various positions at the Universidad Iberoamericana.

 She was University Library and Institutional Assessment and Planning Director at the same university. She coordinated University Library automation projects, the electronic portal for interaction of teachers and students online, and the development of the Planning and Mapping Functions System of the University.

In the last four years she was Director of Special Projects at the National Center for Higher Education Evaluation.

Guest speakers
  • Dr. Michael Stevenson
    Global Education consultant and OECD advisor.
  • Dr. Salvador Malo
    General Directorate for Higher University Education, SES/SEP.
  • Dr. Roger Benjamin
    President and Chief Executive Officer of the New York based Council for Aid to Education (CAE).
  • Prof. Fiorella Kostoris
    Director of the National Assessment of Universities and Research Institutes in Italy.
  • Mtro. Hugo Alberto Labate
    International consultant in Latin America.
  • Dr. Rafael Vidal Uribe
    General Directorate for Inter-institutional Committee for Assessment of Higher Education (CIEES).
  • Mtra. María Elena Barrera Bustillos
    General Directorate for Accreditation of Engineering Education Council, AC.
  • Mtra. María de Jesús Jovita Arzúa Hernández
    Bachelor Diagnostic tests Coordinator (EXDIAL)
  • Mtra. Pilar Verdejo París
    Director of Special Quality Assurance Projects in Education and Workplace SC (ACET)
  • M.C. Luz María Nieto Caraveo,
    UASLP Academic Secretary and AHELO Mexico Feasibility Study National Coordinator.
  • Dra. Patricia Rosas Chávez
    Education Innovation and undergraduate Coordinator, UDG.
    AHELO Mexico Feasibility Study generic competences branch National Coordinator.
  • Dr. José Antonio González Fajardo
    UADY Engineering School Professor, and AHELO Mexico Feasibility Study civil Engineering branch National Coordinator.
  • Dr. Adrián de León Arias
    Director of the Division of Management CUCEA, UDG.
    AHELO Mexico Feasibility Study Economics branch National Coordinator.

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Enrollment and more information
Phone: +52 (444) 834-2581 to 84 ext. 5264
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This event is held with funding from the Ministry of Education, Department of Higher Education, General Directorate of University Higher Education, through the Development of Higher Education Support Program (PADES, 2014-24-001-026). Project authorized to the Autonomous University of San Luis Potosi.